Grounded theory(GT)(扎根理论) is a systematic methodology in the social sciences involving the construction of theory through methodic gathering and analysis of data. Grounded theory is a research methodology which operates inductively, in contrast to the hypothetico-deductive approach. A study using ...
Clients' Experiences of Moments of Sadness in Psychotherapy: A Grounded Theory Analysis. Psychotherapy Research.Henretty, J. R., Levitt, H. M., & Mathews, S. S. (2008). Clients' experiences of moments of sadness in psychotherapy: a grounded theory analysis. Psychother- apy Research, 18, ...
The term immersion is widely used to describe games but it is not clear what immersion is or indeed if people are using the same word consistently. This paper describes work done to define immersion based on the experiences of gamers. Grounded Theory is used to construct a robust division of...
扎根理论(grounded theory)是质性研究的⽅法之⼀,由社会学家Barney Glaser及AnselemStrauss 于 1967 年提出,⽤来探索存在于⼈们互动之间的社会⼼理过程或社会结构过程,以发展出扎根于社会实相和情境脉络的理论。近来在护理上被⼴泛的使⽤,做为发展护理的相关理论的研究⽅法。扎根理论的渊源来⾃...
Grounded Theory in Management Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2001. Written by an experienced organizational behavior researcher, this book specifically covers the use of grounded theory in management contexts. Strauss, Anselm L. Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge...
Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023) 25:2079–2104 REVIEW Influencing factors of urban innovation and development: a grounded theory analysis Jing‑Xiao Zhang1 · Jia‑Wei Cheng1 · Simon Patrick Philbin2 ·...
BASICS OF GROUNDED THEORY ANALYSIS的书评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 罗博兔 2015-12-06 05:12:33 八卦扎根理论 本书作者Glaser是扎根理论的创始人之一。扎根理论有两位创始人(Glaser和Struass),后来由于各自对扎根理论的理念不同分道扬镳。本书是Glaser详细论述他和Struass理念不同的著作,对于想深入了...
1、1 Grounded Theory 2 Roots of GT nDiscovered not invented nQualitative math nLatent patterns nPaul Lazerfeld n1st step in creating conceptual categories n Comparing: looking at what is similar and ndifferent across data incidents; 2nd step in ncreating conceptual categories n Integrating: ...
Clients’ Experiences of Disengaged Moments in Psychotherapy: A Grounded Theory Analysis The study offers an empirically derived model of clients鈥 experiences of disengaged moments, defined as moments when clients withdraw, distance, or lessen... Ze’ev FrankelHeidi M. Levitt - 《Journal of Contempo...
Empathy from the client's perspective: A grounded theory analysis psychotherapy at a university psychology clinic.: Grounded theory analysis yielded a model consisting of three clusters: (1) relational context of empathy (... P Macfarlane,T Anderson,AS Mcclintock - 《Psychotherapy Research》 被引量...