Ground Zero Museum Workshop 纽约最值得参观的博物馆之一 首页 全部景点 世贸大厦遗址博物馆工作室 以呈现美国9/11后,世贸中心遗址挖掘现场相关资料为主题的博物馆。 世贸大厦遗址博物馆工作室位于纽约曼哈顿下城西14街420号二楼。在参观者到访纽约归零地和9/11纪念博物馆前,推荐先到这间工作室参观一下。这里展览...
世贸大厦遗址博物馆(Ground Zero Museum Workshop,或译为“归零地博物馆工作室”),2005年成立以来,为建立世贸大厦遗址博物馆做了大量的工作。“世贸大厦遗址博物馆工作室”的创
归零地(Ground Zero)纽约 归零地指的就是在“9·11恐怖袭击”中倒塌的世界贸易中心遗址,如今已成为游客的必到之地。 世界贸易中心是美国纽约曼哈顿下城一个建筑群,由七座大楼组成,自1973年4月4日启用以来其双塔即成为纽约的地标之一。这两座分别被称为“北楼”和“南楼”的高楼当时是世界上最高的建筑物,超过...
Ground Zero and 9/11 Memorials: What We’ll Cover Ground Zero is a large area that’s known as the area where the World Trade Center towers collapsed and many months of cleanup occurred. Here you’ll find the National September 11 Memorial Museum, the 9/11 Memorial Pools, the FDNY Memor...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Ground Zero at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Ground Zero.The article reviews the architectural design of the Memorial Museum Pavilion of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, designed by Snøhetta.A.S.W.EBSCO_bspArchitect
the plans for the "Ground Zero" museum construction in place of the World Trade Center couldn't be completed for many years because of the criticism from the family members of the perished. The construction of the museum will not be completed by September 2011 but the opening is planned for...
NEW YORK (AP) — A small museum near New York's World Trade Center dedicated to preserving the memory of the Sept. 11 attacks is closing after Wednesday, the victim of financial pressures made worse by COVID-19.
Museum’s construction and curatorial process. The people at the Museum have been generous and given me the opportunity to witness the complex and emotional construction process. And I’ve committed to not rushing the filmmaking. So, once the Museum is open, we’ll wrap our production and ...
Zero 是零,也就是一无所有。 Ground zero 最初用来说原子弹爆炸的地点,可能是因为那儿 一切都被毁得荡然无存了。 但是后来 ground zero 这个习惯用语的用途变得更为广泛,用 来指任何威力强大的爆炸装置的攻击目标。 比方说,新闻界把纽约世贸中心的爆炸现场称为 groun d zero。 我们的语言是有生命力的,所以会...