Das KN, Ars CR (1971) Groundwater recharge techniques for the Deccan Trap Aquifer formations. Bull Volcanol 35 (3):641-650Das KN, Ars CR (1971) Groundwater recharge techniques for the Deccan Trap Aquifer formations. Bull Volcanol 35(3):641–650...
地下水回灌(Groundwater recharge).doc,地下水回灌(Groundwater recharge) The main points of this technique can be summarized in the following seven aspects: One is the prevention and control of solid phase blockage and geophysical prospecting. Second, t
地下水回灌(Groundwaterrecharge) Themainpointsofthistechniquecanbebrieflysummarizedinto thefollowingsevenaspects: First,preventionandtreatmentofsolidphaseblockageand geophysicalprospectingtechniques. Twoisthechemicalblockingpreventionandtreatment technology.. Threeisthegasblockingpreventionandtreatmenttechnology. ...
Groundwater recharge in the presence of coconut trees and other vegetation is one facet of the larger task of understanding and modelling groundwater behaviour as a basis for managing freshwater lenses. This is of great practical importance; overpumping of groundwater can cause ...
The prime aim of this study is to assess the groundwater recharge potential zone (GRPZ) using two statistical methods, that is, frequency ratio (FR) and weights of evidence (WOE), and geospatial techniques in the Jhargram district. This region is the drier region of Eastern India, and it...
Investigate the principles of sustainable groundwater recharge, including artificial recharge techniques, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems, and groundwater management strategies for water sustainability.There are 2 steps to solve this one. Solution S...
Choosing appropriate techniques for quantifying groundwater recharge Various techniques are available to quantify recharge; however, choosing appropriate techniques is often difficult. Important considerations in choosing a ... BR Scanlon,RW Healy,PG Cook - 《Hydrogeology Journal》 被引量: 1601发表: 2002...
The paper summarizes current understanding of recharge processes, identifies recurring recharge-evaluation problems, and reports on some recent advances in estimation techniques. Emphasis is accorded to (semi-)arid regions because the need for information is greatest in those areas – groundwater is ...
A 3D regional model for the Nile Delta aquifer system has been constructed to be used as a water management tool for different water management scenarios. The model was used to test the sensitivity of the aquifer to different extraction and recharge rates and investigate the system response on ...
groundwater recharge 美 英 un.地下水增加;地下水回灌补注 网络地下水补给;地下水补注;地下水补给量 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 地下水增加 2. 地下水回灌补注 例句 释义: 全部,地下水增加,地下水回灌补注,地下水补给,地下水补注,地下水补给量