In: Duffy JE, Thiel M (eds) Evolutionary ecology of social and sexual systems, crustaceans as model organisms. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 211–231 Google Scholar Christy JH, Backwell PRY (2006) No preference for exaggerated courtship signals in a sensory trap. Anim Behav 71:1239–...
Resumen La evaluación de las características de la recarga del agua subterránea (tasa de recarga, historia, mecanismos (flujo pistón y preferencial)) y la edad del agua subterránea en ambientes semiáridos sigue siendo un límite difícil pero importante para la investigación. Tales evaluaciones...
Deep within the Precambrian basement rocks of the Earth, groundwaters can sustain subsurface microbial communities, and are targets of investigation both for geologic storage of carbon and/or nuclear waste, and for new reservoirs of rapidly depleting res
and three temperate climate types with distinct dry summer seasons (type C)53(48.5 million km2, Extended Data Fig.2). Agricultural and urban areas were masked out using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
Using satellite imagery to assess plant species richness: the role of multispectral systems Appl. Veg. Sci., 10 (2007), pp. 325-332 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Sahoo et al., 2005 P.M. Sahoo, A. Rai, R. Singh, B.K. Handique, C.S. Rao Integrated approach based on remote sensing...
An alternative procedure of pumping test data interpretation is used through a joint analysis of the standard time-drawdown curve and simultaneous field measurements of total dissolved solids (TDS); additional support is also provided by the temperature of extracted groundwater and the chemical compositi...
Recent morphological data using immmunocytochemical stainings to analyse nervous systems in these groups also support a monophyly of Lophophorata with the exclusion of Kamptozoa [16,17,18]. Phylactolaemata has been considered the earliest branching clade within the Bryozoa and sister taxon to ...
This research received support by the Helmholtz Program Earth and Environment, specifically of the program ATMO (Atmosphere and Climate) and the Climate Change and Food Security program of CGIAR institutes. Additional financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (BR2238/23-1) is furthe...
Effective management of groundwater resources requires an understanding of the complexity of groundwater systems by the experts, and a certain level of understanding and trust in management by the community. Groundwater data sharing and visualisation systems are being used across the world to provide ...
The purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the reader with the chemical structures of various plant growth regulators and reports of their detection from plant sources. In general only plant growth substances from higher plants are considered. Growth sub