Of particular interest was the role of Chinese traditional values in the students' perceptions of ground rules and the potential influence those rules had on their learning of critical thinking in debate-type discussions. The findings show that Confucian beliefs, such as Li (ritual, '禮') and ...
Encountering Faith in the Classroom: Turning Difficult Discussions into Constructive Engagement. and emotions constructively, without fear of retribution; and of establishing ground rules of respectful discussion for this process to be valuable and product... MRE Diamond - 《Stylus Publishing Llc》 被引...
Stalnaker, Robert. 2002. Common ground. Linguistics and Philosophy 25. 701–721. doi:10.1023/A:1020867916902.Search in Google Scholar Verheij, Bart. 2008. About the logical relations between cases and rules. In Enrico Francesconi, Giovanni Sartor & Daniela Tiscornia (eds.), Legal knowledge and ...
I had the temerity (or congenital naiveté) to teach Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” to thirteen- and fourteen-year old students. With that story, we probably had the best class discussions of the whole year. However, I was hauled out in the middle of class one day and had my ears ...
Thecourseistypicallydividedintounitsthatcoverdifferenttopicsandlanguagefunctions,withamixofclassroominstructions,practiceexercises,andassessments Therelationshipbetweencoursewareandstudy plans Courseasatool Integrationwithstudyplans Adaptabilityofcourse Coursereferstothematerialsandresourcesusedtosupportteachingandlearningina...
The main explanation for these positive results was that students and teachers enjoyed the experimental classes more and as a result, they were more engaged with the materials and the discussions. Frank (1997) compared the results of a group of students who participated in a simple classroom ...
There are numerous examples that we could cite of expressions that are correct according to grammatical rules, but unsuitable for the occasion. Once, after a student gave a lecture, he asked a foreign visitor for his advice. He said like this, “I am desirous of exploring your feeling on...
[26], and in classroom problem-solving exercises, higher prior task-specific knowledge leads to better learning outcomes in individual and collaborative learning [27]. As background knowledge affects learning, it could also be one possible factor affecting students’ online discussions aiming for ...
In 1999, I became a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation by submitting a fellowship thesis on“A detailed review of the new UK tax rules on corporate debt.” This thesis was awarded the Institute medal for the best fellowship thesis submitted in 1999....
rules also different gifts In Britain customers have a dinner with you take a gift to be unnecessary If you want to take wine prior to ask owners like what wine this just appropriate In Japan however on the contrary when you were invited to dinner at the home you are too polite Without ...