探地雷达(Ground−Penetrating Radar)通过向地下发射高频电磁波,然后接收从地下物体反射回来的电磁波来探测和定位近地表面处的地下物体.天线和探测器直接放在地面上的同一位置.角频率ω沿z方向传播的线偏振平面电磁波的电场可由下式表示:E=E0e−αzcos(ωt−βz))(*)其中E0为常数,α为衰减常数,β为波数,...
Ground-penetrating radar is a technology that uses pulses of electromagnetic radiation to penetrate the surface of the ground, and go below to reveal any anomalies in soil or other materials. Ground-penetrating radar uses microwave band frequencies, generally from 10 MHz to 1 GHz. Advertisements ...
6)Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar (SFCW-GPR)步进变频连续波探地雷达(SFCW-GPR) 延伸阅读 Esa相阵控雷达/相位阵列雷达aesa〈active electronically-scanned array〉主动电子扫描相控阵列雷达是21世纪主流的军事雷达,全世界第一种实用化aesa相控阵列雷达是an/spy-1神盾舰雷达系统, an/spy-... radar Aground-penetrating radar(GPR) is suitable for measuring sharp texture changes in soil profiles with depth or objects in the soil, either natural or man-made. There are many different GPR systems on the market from various providers, such asGSSI14(Nashua, NH...
Ground Penetrating RadarHamill, Terence
ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey designSparse signal decomposition for ground penetrating radardoi:10.1002/9780470972311.ch10Faculty Of InformaticsWenbin ShaoAbdesselam BouzerdoumSon Lam PhungWenbin ShaoAbdesselam BouzerdoumSon Lam PhungJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd...
Ground penetrating radar is a promising technique for detection of buried objects. Recently, radar has more and more been identified to provide benefits for a plurality of applications, where it can increase efficiency of operation. One of these fields is the industrial automatic harvesting process ...
What is ground penetrating radar? - Ground penetrating radar GPR is a non-destructive geophysical survey method that can detect subsurface features without drilling, probing, or digging. GeoModel, Inc. conducts ground penetrating radar GPR surveys nati
网络释义 1. 地质雷达 ...信号来解译出目的体的几何形态和地质现象 ,亦称之为地质雷达(Ground PenetratingRadar) [1]。 www.cnki.com.cn|基于 1 个网页