Ground Elevation Ground Emergency Medical Transport Ground Emitter Locations and Identification System Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System Ground Emplaced Optical Nuclear Detection System Ground Engaging Tools ground engineer Ground Engineering System Ground Enhancement Material Ground Entry Point Ground Environmen...
Google Share on Facebook groundnut (redirected fromGround nut) Thesaurus Encyclopedia ground·nut (ground′nŭt′) n. 1. a.A climbing vine(Apios americana)in the pea family, native to eastern North America, having compound leaves, clusters of fragrant brownish flowers, and small edible tubers...
The use of geophysical data to accurately determine water levels is demonstrated for an aquifer within the Saint-Narcisse moraine in the Mauricie region of southeastern Québec, Canada. Two numerical simulations were conducted using FEFLOW, one based on regional piezometric data and the other using g...
The terrain is relatively flat overall, slightly higher in the west and north, and lower in the east and south. The ground elevation is between 5 m and 20 m, and the slope is between 0.2‰ and 0.7‰. The Quaternary sediments are dominated by alluvial deposits interbedded with lacustrine ...
Spatially distributed atmospheric pressure was estimated from the 30 m National Elevation Dataset (NED) following ASCE-EWRI (2005). While the under-flight of Landsat 8 was nearly contemporaneous with Landsat 7, the two paths were not identical (Fig. 1) - the ETM + scan line corrector mirror ...
No additional filtering was applied and Vd was analyzed in the native radar grid. When radar beam elevations are less than the radar beam width (B), a Gaussian-weighted correction raises the effective elevation angle such that they asymptote at 0.3° to account for terrain, tree, and ...
These data were interpolated to 1 km resolution using ANUSPLIN software58,59, based on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Soil data, including soil type, effective soil depth, and soil water-holding capacity, were sourced from Harmonized World Soil Database v1.2 (HWSD v1.2) (https://www...
Second, microbial methane production—methanogenesis—may take place in deeper groundwater flow paths that are recharged by high-elevation glacial or non-glacial meltwaters. Finally, the upward migration of methane from deep-seated biogenic or thermogenic sources may lead to gas accumulation beneath ...
in regions with large changes in surface elevation. On visual inspection, the remaining ‘no data’ gaps appear to surround water sources that had been identified using the land cover data. It was assumed that DTG is shallow in these areas, and these remaining pixels were also assigned DTG ...
Knowing the stable isotopic composition of water (δ18O andδ2H) is important when it comes to defining the extent of evaporation, recharge conditions (e.g., temperature, seasonality and elevation) and groundwater mixing [1,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26]. For instance, oxygen and hydro...