Figure 1. (a) The geographic location of the study area, representing observation wells and irrigation sub-divisions; (b) The geological map of the study area, representing the geological features. Figure 2. Flow Chart of the processes involved in the study. 2.2. Data Acquisition The depth...
How it works You can tag anything on ModDB on ModDB, and all tags can be voted up/down by the community depending on their relevance. Official tags, as well as up-voted tags will appear higher in the list as they are deemed the most relevant. ...
With patch 3.1.0 we're excited to introduce a custom map for our very home planet Earth! We hereby declare McBaal's open! Feel free to roam around and let us know on Discord ( what you think about the new map. ENG...
id, branch) end endNow when we call repo.async_create_archive('masterbrew') in our application, a job will be created and placed on the file_serve queue.Later, a worker will run something like this code to process the job:klass, args = Resque.reserve(:file_serve) klass.perform(*args...
The optimization method of continuous singularity of SITMSR is used to optimize the coupled joint motion, and then the directional path map of energy consumption is constructed for path optimization. Here, the non-singularity path πNs is compared with the path πOpt, which is also the energy-...
Background or map border for your map. Game Farming Simulator 19 Manufacturer Edo Category Prefab Prefab Category Other Author Edo Size 0.28 MB Version Released 28.04.2021 Platform PC/MAC User Rating: 3.9 (132) Please select1 Stars2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars ...
VOC0712/SSD_300x300/ # and job file, log file, and the python script in: # - $CAFFE_ROOT/jobs/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_300x300/ # and save temporary evaluation results in: # - $HOME/data/VOCdevkit/results/VOC2007/SSD_300x300/ # It should reach 77.* mAP at 120k iterations. $ ...
mapas geológicos, registros de perforaciones e interpretación geológica. Se llevaron a cabo mediciones de buzamiento y rumbo, así como estudios del gas del suelo del CO2transportado por el manto para verificar la existencia de una falla no cartografiada. La modelización geológica implícita...
Fig. 3. Map of field sites. Land use (top) and OSDS density (bottom) are shown. Black lines indicate MODPATH derived groundwater flow paths (discussed below). Red circles indicate coastal groundwater sampling locations, white triangles are fresh groundwater supply well samples, and yellow dots...
The catchment was divided into 19 subbasins (Fig.1) based on the 32 m pixel size digital elevation model (DEM), which has been resampled from a 1.6 m LIDAR DEM [57]. For the creation of HRUs, we used the land use map based on the Danish Area Information System [58] and the soil...