www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Gross rainfall amount and maximum rainfall intensity in 60-minute influence on interception received: 07 October 2015 loss of shrubs: a 10-year observationaccepted:25April2016 in the Tengger DesertPublished:17May2016 Zhi-Shan Zhang,Yang Zhao, Xin-Rong ...
taeirmtpemerpateurraet,uGreSetnrdigisgearlssothreegounlasteetdobf ypplarnetsepahsootnossoynlatrhreasdisiaitniosnp.rTinhge34s.oHlaorwraedvieart,iohnigihsetrypsoiclaarllyrandoitatliimonitcinang when delay leaf senescence in autumn. For one thing, the accumulation of abscisic acid which is ...
Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo (1939b) Eesti põllumajandus: statistiline aastaraamat 1938 = Annuaire de la statistique agricole 1938, vol 17. Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo, Tallinn Google Scholar Riigi Statistika Keskbüroo (1940) Väliskaubandus 5 pearühma järgi. Riigi Statistika Keskbür...
(p7i0t,a2,0406,U70S0DJ/PkYm/c2,ap7i.t8a2), mgliollbioaln wJPaYrm/kimnFgi2g)(u.2r3Te1h3Ue. BStDroe/packadptohiwtraen,es25od,f7ai0mn0vaJegPneYto/rcayampdoiatutaan),tfsaornpdtoedtraol mcdaaepmsittaiacgewaaramestoelua(nn8t6d.b3yuUmsSeaDjo(/4rc1ai9mpiptUa,cSt9D6c/a1ct0ae...
bb TThheerree wwaass no signiffiicant difffference between the two intervaallss ((pp >> 0.05). 22..66.. OOxxiiddaattiivvee RReessppiirraattoorryy MMeettaabboolliissmm CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss GGlluuccoossee ddeeccoommppoossiittiioonn ooff mmiiccrroooorrggaanniissmm ooccccuurrss...
All the statistical assessments were performed through SPSS program version 20 (SPSS, Richmond, VA, USA). 3. Results 3.1. Fish Growth Performance and Profitability Variables The significant (p < 0.05) beneficial activities of dietary Thy and/or ThQ were ob- served in the fish growth performance...