Definition: TheGross Profit Margin Ratioshows how efficiently the company has generated revenues from the sale of its inventories and merchandise. Simply, this ratio measures the amount of profit generated after meeting the direct expenses related to the production of goods and services. The gross pr...
Definition:Gross profit ratio is a calculation that determines the correlation between a company’s gross profit margin and the net sales (gross sells net of credits and discounts issued). What Does Gross Profit Ratio Mean? What is the definition of gross profit ratio?The GPR is a calculation...
Definition - What is Gross Profit Margin Ratio? Thegross profit marginratio, also known asgross profit percentage ratio, is a particularly important calculation to include in youranalysis of a potential investment, because it discloses information about a company’s profitability. ...
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dividend rate,p/eratio,operatingprofitafter tax, target investors at the time of IPO as [...] (iv) 政府當局就其他㆞方的機場私營化經驗提供進㆒步的資料,包括造 成息稅折攤前收入增長的因素、其股息息率、市盈率、稅後營業利 潤、首次公開招股的目標投資者及土㆞使...
Definition:Gross profit, also called profit margin, is a financial ratio that measures the amount of sales that exceed the cost of goods sold. In other words, it calculates the amount of sales remaining after all of the costs related to these are paid. The gross profit equation is calculated...
Definition and Guide Gross margin ratio FAQ How do you calculate gross margin ratio? You can calculate the gross margin ratio using this formula: Gross Margin Ratio = (Total Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold) / Total Revenue What is the gross margin profit ratio? The gross margin profit ratio ...
Perform Gross Profit Margin Ratio Analysis for financial health and pricing strategy with The Strategic CFO®.
Ratio of gross profit to sales revenue. (Also sometimes used as a synonym for gross profit). For a manufacturer, gross margin is a measure of a company's efficiency in turning raw materials into income; for a retailer it measures their markup over wholesale. ...
Definition of Gross Profit Margin. Gross profit margin is a common ratio in financial statement analysis. Management can use gross profit margin internally as an aspect of their pricing structure or externally to compare their company to similar companie