grossmargin的计算是基于销售收入与毛利。而grossprofit则是直接通过销售收入减去直接成本来得到。因此,两者的计算方法和涉及的财务指标有所不同。3. 反映的侧重点不同:grossmargin更侧重于反映企业的盈利能力,体现了企业在扩大规模、控制成本和提高售价等方面的能力。而grossprofit则更侧重于展示企业的核心...
gross margin毛利润额,gross profit是毛利润率。 公式:销售毛利额=销售收入净额-销售成本 毛利率=(销售收入-销售成本)/销售收入×100% 英语新闻导读 The company set a long-term target of "53% and higher" for its gross margins, up from a previous target of "50% and higher". TSMC forecast first...
What is gross profit/gross margin? Gross margin and Gross profit are two related metrics that are critical for understanding your business. Gross profit (GP) is the number of pounds of profit (pounds billed minus expenses and pounds paid) your business earns, while gross margin (GM) is the...
A product’s gross profit margin divided by the product’s selling price Definition of Gross Margin Some use the term gross margin to mean exactly the same as gross profit. Perhaps they want to avoid the word profit since the selling, general, administrative, and interest expense have not yet...
在财务分析中,gross margin(毛利润额)和gross profit(毛利润率)虽然都是衡量盈利的重要指标,但它们的计算方法和含义有所不同。毛利润额是通过销售收入减去销售成本得出的,而毛利润率则是这个差额占销售收入的比例,计算公式为(销售收入-销售成本)/销售收入×100%。毛利润额反映了企业在销售商品或...
简单来说,margin是百分比,profit是绝对值。比如:收入是100, 成本是80,则毛利(gross profit)是20,扣除其他税费之后净利润(net profit)假设是10,那么毛利率(Gross profit margin)=20/100=20%,净利率(Net profit margin)=10/100=10%。以下是英文版详细解释:Margin is used to compare A...
gross profit margin发音 意思翻译 毛利额,毛利率 相似词语短语 gross profit margins───毛利率 increase profit margins───提高利润率 profit margin───利润率 gross margin───[贸易]毛利 gross profit───[贸易]毛利;[贸易]总利润 gross profits───[贸易]毛利;[贸易]总利润 profit margins──...
想要知道一家企业的获利能力,可以从财报当中的「损益表」(IncomeStatement)来观察,其中这3项指标是投资人一定要认识的:毛利率、营业利益率(OperatingMargin)、净利率(NetProfitMargin)。 指标1:毛利率GrossMargin 企业的获利根本来自于「营业收入」,扣除掉所有成本及税金后才是净利。因此当一家企业营收与毛利持续提升时...