Gross profit, operating profit, and net income refer to a company'searnings. However, each one represents profit at different phases of the production and earnings process. Gross profit is a company's profits earned after subtracting the costs of producing and selling its products—called thecost...
一家公司的利潤被稱爲淨利潤(net income或net profit)。由于淨利潤一項位于利潤表的底部,因此也被稱爲bottom line,反映的是核算所有現金流(無論正負)後總的剩餘所得。換句話說,收入在核算所有所得(income)、費用和成本後得到的就是淨利潤。 如果從營業利潤算起,其他扣除項目還有負債費用,比如說貸款利息,以及稅金...
Gross profit, operating profit, and net income are reflected on a company’s income statement, and each metric represents profit at different parts of the production cycle and earnings process. While income indicates a positive cash flow into a business,net incomeis a more c...
net profit 和gross profit意思不相同。net profit是指净利润,gross profit是指毛利,总利润,net profit 是gross profit的组成部分。相关短语:net operating profit 营业净利 ; 营业纯利 net incomenet profit 净收入 Net Total Profit 盈亏相抵后利润总额 gross s profit margin 毛利润率 Gross Operati...
Also referred to as net profit, net earnings or profit, net income is often a key indicator of how well a business is managed. Moreover, it can be a useful metric for investors in determining a company’s overall profitability and potential long-term value and return on investment. Ex...
subtracting all operating expenses from the gross profit. This is called the net income because it equals total revenues minus total expenses. It’s the net of everything. As I mentioned before, this is reported at the bottom of the income statement and is commonly referred to as the bottom...
Answer and Explanation:1 Net profit depicts the total amount of money an individual or a business entity remains with upon the payment of all allowable expenses incurred in... Learn more about this topic: Gross Profit | Definition, Formula & Examples ...
net profit 和gross profit的意思不相同。主要是表达的意思不同,net profit是指净利润,gross profit是指毛利润或者总利润。毛利,也可用于计算毛利率(Gross margin),这是一个衡量盈利能力的指标,通常用百分数表示。其计算公式为:毛利率=((销售收入-销售成本)/ 销售收入)×100%。毛利率越高...
Businesses can track their profit margins over time to see if they’re becoming more or less profitable for every dollar of sales. Valuing a business Lastly, net income is also better for finding your business’s value, determining a company’s creditworthiness for getting a loan and making ...
money that a business is left with after paying all the expenses. Business entities arrive at net income towards the end of the year by deducting operating expenses from the gross profit. Net Income is usually the last item in the income statement and thus, is popularly known as thebottom ...