The Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) Self-Instructional Training CD-ROMs are designed to enable practitioners to train independently as reliable users of the printed Gross Motor Function Measure. They include details of the administration and scoring of all 88 items in the GMFM, as well as sev...
Assessmentofabnormalpostureandmotordevelopment;(4)动态观察 Dynamicobservation;(二)反射发育评定 Assessmentofreflexdevelopment;(三)肌力评定 Assessmentofmusceltesting;(四)肌张力评定 Assessmentofmusculartension;(五)关节活动度评定 Evaluationofjointrangeofmotion;(六)平衡功能评定 Balancefunctionevaluation;(七)协调功能...
必应词典为您提供Gross-motor-function-measure的释义,网络释义: 粗大运动功能测试量表;粗动作功能量表;粗动作功能评量表;
粗大运动功能评定量表(gross motor function measure,GMFM)属于( )领域的评估量表。 A、身体结构 B、身体功能 C、活动和参与 D、个人因素 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 由国家职能部门制定、颁布的制图标准,是国家级的标准,简称国标。国标的代号为 A. ANSI B. Standard C. GB D. ISO 点击查看...
Gemus M, Palisano R, Russell D, Rosenbaum P, Walter SD, Galuppi B, Lane M (2001) Using the Gross Motor Function Measure to evaluate motor development in children with Down syndrome. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr 21:69–79 PubMedGemus M, Palisano R, Russell D, Rosenbaum P, Walter SD, ...
GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 粗大运动功能分类系统 系统标签: motor 功能分类 classification bipedo deambula ayuda GROSSMOTORFUNCTIONCLASSIFICATIONSYSTEM(GMF-CS)Dra.SoniaChahuánC.,MédicoFisiatra.Introducción•PCincidencia2-2,5/1000nacidosvivos.•Englobaaunnumerosogrupodedesórdenesmotoresnopro...
Key words Cerebral palsy;Gross Motor Function Measure;Functional assessment;Physiotherapy;Family 脑性瘫痪是指脑在发育未成熟前受到损伤或发生病变,而引起的非进行性的运动障碍。随着神经生理学的发展,物理治疗可用更多的干预方法与辅助用具来改善及诱导脑性瘫痪儿童的动作发展,进而引导他们各方面的功能趋向正常化,预防...
必应词典为您提供Gross-Motor-Function-Classification-System的释义,网络释义: 粗大运动功能分类系统;粗大动作功能分類系统;粗大动作功能分类系统;
159 The Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) is the first evaluative measure of motor function designed for quantifying change in the gross motor abilities of children with cerebral palsy. The measure is widely used internationally, and is now the standard outcome assessment tool for clinical ...