Gross margin and profit margin are profitability ratios used to assess the financial health of a company. Both gross profit margin and profit margin—more commonly known asnet profit margin—measure the profitability of a company as compared to the revenue generated for a period. Both ratios are ...
Gross profit and gross margin are two measures of the profitability of a business. They are more similar than different because each requires the same variables for calculation. However, using the two terms interchangeably is incorrect. Note The difference between gross profit and gross margin is...
答案:grossmargin指的是毛利率,反映的是企业的盈利能力;而grossprofit则是毛利润,表示企业的总收入与成本之差。两者虽然都是衡量企业盈利状况的重要指标,但在计算方法和所反映的侧重点上有所不同。解释:1. 定义与含义:grossmargin,即毛利率,是企业在一定时期内毛利与销售收入的比值。它反映了企业...
Gross margin is a ratio of profit efficiency calculated after you know your gross profit for a given period. The gross margin formula, also known as gross profit margin, is your gross profit divided by your revenue. By understanding the gross margin definition, you can understand how to ...
gross margin毛利润额,gross profit是毛利润率。 公式:销售毛利额=销售收入净额-销售成本 毛利率=(销售收入-销售成本)/销售收入×100% 英语新闻导读 The company set a long-term target of "53% and higher" for its gross margins, up from a previous target of "50% and higher". TSMC forecast first...
在财务分析中,gross margin(毛利润额)和gross profit(毛利润率)虽然都是衡量盈利的重要指标,但它们的计算方法和含义有所不同。毛利润额是通过销售收入减去销售成本得出的,而毛利润率则是这个差额占销售收入的比例,计算公式为(销售收入-销售成本)/销售收入×100%。毛利润额反映了企业在销售商品或...
Net Profit Margin Net profit marginis a key financial metric indicating a company's financial health. Also known as net margin, it shows the profit generated as a percentage of the company's revenue. Simply put, net profit margin is the ratio of its net profit to its revenues. ...
Gross Profit Margin Definition The gross profit margin is a financial ratio, which is a measurement of a company’s manufacturing and distribution efficiency during the production process. It is calculated as a company’s gross profit divided by total revenue. It is also known as gross margin or...
grossmargin与grossprofit是两个不同的概念,具体区别如下:Gross Margin 概念解释:毛利率是毛利与销售收入的百分比,它反映了企业销售收入中有多少是毛利润。简单地说,就是企业在直接销售商品或服务后所获得的利润与销售额之间的比例。计算公式:Gross Margin = × 100%。作用说明:毛利率展示了...
毛利率(Gross Profit Margin)是一个衡量企业收入和利润关系的重要指标,用于评估企业营运状况,其计算公式为毛利/营业总收入,与净利率(Net Profit Margin)有区别,前者不含税费,而后者最终反映的是企业最终的利润情况。 毛利率(Gross Profit Margin)是一个衡量企业收入和利润关系的重要指标,通常用来测量一个企业在营运中...