Gross domestic product includes the value of all goods: A. purchased during the mea
国内生产总值(gross domestic product)是指一个国家或地区范围内的所有常住单位,在一定时期内生产最终产品和提供劳务价值的总和。计算时,包括以下几个方面:A.消费支出(consumption expenditure)和投资性支出(Investment expenditure)B.投资性支出(Investment expenditure)和政府支出(government expenditure)C.政府支出(...
Gross Domestic Product 是GDP的全称,国内生产总值。一国领土之内生产总值的总量,包括本国与外国居民企业的总值,只要是国境之内。Gross National Product 是GNP的全称,国民生产总值。一国国民的生产总值的总量,包括国境内和国境外的全体国民的生产总值,不包括外国国民的生产总值。
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gross domestic product[英][ɡrəus dəˈmestik ˈprɔdʌkt][美][ɡros dəˈmɛstɪk ˈprɑdəkt]国内生产毛额,国内生产总值; 以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义百科释义1.N-VAR国内生产总值A country's gross domestic product is the total value of all the ...
每日一词∣国内生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)国家统计局1月18日公布的数据显示,2020年我国国内生产总值(GDP)首次突破100万亿元,比上年增长2.3%。中国成为全球唯一实现经济正增长的主要经济体。China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 2.3 percent year on year last year, exceeding the 100-...
国内消费总值(gross domestic product,GDP) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答:国内消费总值指一定时期(通常为一年)内,一个经济体消费的所有最终产品和效劳的市场价值总和。GDP一般通过支出法和收入法两种方法进展核算。用支出法计算的国内消费总值等于消费、投资、政府购置和净出口之和;用收入法计算的国内消费总值等于...
Gross domestic product includes the value of all goods:A.purchased during the measurement period.B.produced during the measurement period.C.produced and purchased during the measurement period.的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(
• Investment was sharply down and was estimated to represent only 9 percent of gross domestic product.• Potential output is that rate of gross domestic product which would result if all resources were fully employed.• Our gross domestic product was literally heavy, for it was dominated ...
GDP includes only goods and services produced within the geographic boundaries of the country, regardless of the producer's nationality.GDP简介GDP即英文gross domestic product的缩写,也就是国内生产总值(港台地区有翻译为国内生产毛额、本地生产总值)。通常对GDP的定义为:一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个...