I’m trying to come up with as many ways to concatenate strings as possible. Plus String s = 'foo' + 'bar' Left Shift Operator String s = ('foo' << 'bar') as String // The Left Shift Operator returns a StringBuffer. Array join String s = [ 'foo', 'bar' ].join('') Strin...
{ return self.toString().toCharArray(); } /** * @deprecated Use the CharSequence version * @see #getChars(CharSequence) */ @Deprecated public static char[] getChars(String self) { return getChars((CharSequence) self); } /** * Find the number of Strings matched ...
Formerly StringList, an Array of Strings. // instead of Array<String>; varargs constructor StringArray sa = new StringArray("apple", "banana", "cherry"); boolean result = sa.anyStartsWith("ba"); // true boolean result = sa.anyStartsWith("do"); // false StringArray lines = sa.to...
We can also read the file content into aListofStringsusing thecollectAPI: def list = new File("src/main/resources/fileContent.txt").collect {it} 3.3. Using theasOperator We can even leverage theasoperator to read the contents of the file into aStringarray: def array = new File("src/...
Groovy has become my favorite scripting language and in this blog I look at some of Groovy's features that make it particularly attractive for presenting text-based reports. The post will show how custom text-based reports of data stored in the database
[1, 2, 3].join('-') == '1-2-3'//加入间隔符并转换为String [1, 2, 4].inject(3){ count ,item -> count + item } == 10 // 注入对应的元素 3+1+2+4 1. 2. 3. [1, 2, 3].max() = 3 [1,2,3].min() = 1 ...
class.name println arrayStrings.class.name 12.3. List methods The following lists the most useful methods on List. reverse() sort() remove(index) findAll{closure} - returns all list elements for which the closure validates to true first() last() max() min() join("string") -...
join(',') == 'mrhaki,liam' 用CliBuilder来解析命令行 代码语言:javascript 复制 import java.text.* def showdate(args) { def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: 'showdate.groovy -[chflms] [date] [prefix]') // Create the list of options. cli.with { h longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage ...
Listing 5. Strings with Double Quotation Marks and Single Quotation Marks Groovy also allows dot notation for getting and setting fields of classes, just like Java, as shown in Listing 6. Unlike Java, this will actually go through the getter/setter methods (which, you'll recall, are automatic...
assert string.toList().unique().sort().join() == ‘ adelnpy’ c).字符串反转 assert’string’.reverse() == ‘gnirts’ def string = ‘Yoda said, “can you see this?”‘ def revwords= string.split(’‘).toList().reverse().join(’‘) ...