Grooveshark(鯊客)有人說他為音樂界的Youtube,也就是說即使你是素人音樂家,這裡將成為你發表個人音樂的舞台,也有人說他是媲美KKBOX的服務,那老黑話不多說不然讓大家來體驗! 網站名稱:Grooveshark 網站網址:(關站) 會員註冊教學 第一步:前往Grooveshark網站首頁,點擊右上角「建立帳戶」。 第二步:跳出一個小視窗,...
Re: Untamed Now Playing - Pandora Youtube GrooveShark LastFM 1. Great tool, can't wait to start using it. 2. How about adding support for...
Google, YouTube and Grooveshark are in the Getaway Car… While artists bitch about low payments from Spotify royalties, YouTube, Grooveshark and The Pirate Bay pay artists less or even nothing. The reason Spotify pays so little is because it’s forced to compete with illegally operating, ...
Follow Billboard on YouTube The Daily A daily briefing on what matters in the music industry Sign Up By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. // This site ...
Some use YouTube. Others use Pandora or Then there’s Grooveshark. They’re a Gainesville, FL company that was started by University of Florida students, and they let you listen to music online for free. They still have some intellectual property issues to work out, and their ...
Grooveshark’s long-standing defense has been theDMCA, which puts the responsibility on copyright owners to ask for infringing content to be taken down — it’s the same “we can’t be held responsible for what our users upload” defense YouTubeuses— but if Grooveshark executives were indeed...
The decision has the potential to send a number of social networks that rely on user uploaded content scrambling to scour their systems for copyrighted material recorded prior to 1972 in order to minimize their potential liability, including YouTube, SoundCloud and others. ...
but a courtroom is not a negotiating table. before it can sign the other three majors, grooveshark could face pressure to implement audio fingerprinting technology to help keep unlicensed songs off of the service, the way youtube did to fend of its lawsuits. in that sense, spotify has another...
Google to Revamp YouTube With ‘Channels’— Google Inc.'s YouTube video website is working on a major site overhaul to organize its content around “channels” as it positions itself for the rise of Internet-connected televisions that allow people to watch online video in their living rooms...
而这个规则,对于Grooveshark来说简直是来应付版权诉讼的最好武器——你说侵权我就删,删完再传我不管。Grooveshark就在“避风港原则”的掩护下一路高歌猛进。2011年它的在线用户数量甚至远远超过了youtube。 这一切都看起来很美好。Grooveshark就像互联网“免费”大军中的先锋军,把无比坚固的版权阵营冲得七零八落,...