"Grocy: Your one-stop online grocery store for fresh produce, pantry staples, and everyday essentials." grocery-storegrocery-applicationgrocery-web-application UpdatedMay 19, 2023 HTML lisha202012/eGrocery-WebPage Star5 Code Issues Pull requests ...
react reactjs font-awesome grocery-store swiper-js Updated Oct 11, 2021 JavaScript sunilvijayan7 / GroceryShoppers-App-in-Flutter-and-DotNetCore-API Star 37 Code Issues Pull requests A complete grocery store developed with Flutter, .Net Core, Firebase, One Signal and SQL Server as backend...
You can also press right click "Open in new Tab" to see the error at full screen rather than the "Preview" tab. For example in our case we've forgotten to change the default database credentials to our ones. So by going to.envfile and uncommenting this lines: ...
model_1 : 0.506 / 0.511 , 16 lgb modelstrained for each day source code; model_2 : 0.507 / 0.513 , 16 nn modelstrained for each day source code; model3 : 0.512 / 0.515,1 lgb model for 16 days with almost same features as model1; model_4 : 0.517 / 0.519,1 nn model based on ...
Refer to the following code example. public class Model { public string GroceryItem { get; set; } public double USPrice { get; set; } public double UKPrice { get; set; } } Then, configure theViewModelclass to create a collection of grocery item price details and store it in an obse...
Grocery_Code Edited the MAPS API: ALL the java files are updated and reuploaded in that. The maps package, Manifest, MapsActivity, StoreComparison, activity_maps are the ones to keep from this commit. Note: MAPS API key is in the local.properties file. Manifest file is edited. StoreCompari...
.├── CHANGELOG.md ├── MDAT-DEV // MDUT Source code ├── MDUTSqlKit │ └── MDATKit.zip // CLR Source code ├── README.md ├── README_ZH.md ├── redis-cus-rogue.py // Redis cus-rogue script TODO 1. HTTP Tunnel Thanks j1anFen / 冰蝎 / ODAT / MSDAT / ...
The dataset was presented in the paper "A Hierarchical Grocery Store Image Dataset with Visual and Semantic Labels", which appeared at WACV 2019. How to use the dataset The files train.txt, val.txt and test.txt in the folder dataset includes the paths to the images in the training, ...