· GRLWEAP 2010提供软码授权(software license)或USB硬件密钥(hardware key); · GRLWEAP 14 只提供软码授权(software license),软码授权绑定电脑,可提供支持3个用户同时在线的网络版软码授权。 用户界面 · GRLWEAP14对软件操作界面进行了重做,使得界面更加美观,操作也更加简便。 锤库 锤的数据库和维护程序都...
GRLWEAP14 is the pile driving simulation software of choice worldwide for pile driving professionals: Simulates the pile response to pile driving equipment Calculates soil resistance, dynamic pile stresses, and estimated capacities based on field observed blow count, for a given hammer and pile system...
(East China Electric Power Design Institute Ltd.,China Power Engineering Consulting Group,Shanghai 200063,China)Abstract:The effects of thickness and stiffness of pile cushion and hammer cushion on pile driving process were analyzed byGRLWEAP software,and the related laws were summarized,which provided...