Spamton tries the new Grimace Shake 獼猴桃博士-哼奇异 4188 13 国外麦当劳鬼脸奶昔恐怖杀人事件 Butterfly一effect 33.2万 76 【40K小漫画】S姐喝麦当劳杀人奶昔 木卫十一上的大公 15.4万 49 _GRIMACE SHAKE SONG_ Official Music Animation Hornstromp_Game 1.6万 3 grimace shake 吉利亞特 584 0 ...
” McDonald’s itselfonce said. More recently it’s been even less equivocal: “What exactly is Grimace? Perhaps we’ll never know.” The Grimace shake, which has already inspired awave of (mixed
A new TikTok trend puts the dastardly history ofMcDonaldland’s most mysterious characteron blast. On June 12, McDonald’sdebuted a purple, berry-flavored shakein honor of Grimace’s birthday, inspired by his “iconic color and sweetness,” according to the company. While some folks have be...
孩子们要求我们自己来做个homemade mcdonald's grimace shake 于是我们大晚上去院子採了些树莓来做2杯哈🤣 #奶昔 #DIY#mcdonald #shake #GrimaceShake @JY.FREEGROWTH 🖤· 2023年7月12日JY.FREEGROWTH 🖤 01:06 6 #Grimaceshake #外网梗 Grimace shake会要了你的命 @我是Z· 2023年7月7日我是Z ...
McDonald's made an official post on social media to comment on the growing social media trend that claims the Grimace Shake kills people.
For those who love memes, unleash your inner creativity with the "Grimace Shake Meme" feature. Mix and match hilarious dance moves with popular Grimace Shake flavors, and create your very own dance meme sensation. Feeling hungry? Satisfy your craving with the "Grimace McDonald's Meal" challenge...