Mortality. It’s at the heart of the human condition. Throughout history, different cultures have variously imagined ourinevitabledemise, from the GreekThanatosto the NorseHelto the HinduYama. One such prominent figure in Europeanloreis theGrim Reaper, a black-robed skeleton who cuts down lives ...
* E live in a society obsessed with youth. Experience and knowledge seem to count for nothing if you've got a few grey hairs and the odd wrinkle. But many other cultures banish the stereotypes and celebrate the older generation.Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)...
the Grim Reaper is almost always shown in a large black cloak, a skeletal face and hands, glowing eyes, and a scythe – the long stick with a curved blade on the top.
The Grim Reaper is a personification of death. Most cultures have some version of the Grim Reaper, and he is generally depicted as...