Place whole lobster back-side down on grill. Lobster is ready to turn when shell has turned a bright red. Turn and grill an additional 3-5 minutes until done. Split lobsters should be placed on the grill with the cut side down. Grill 3-5 minutes or until shell turns a bright red. T...
Grill lobster halves with the meat side facing down first – quickly and with intensive, searing heat . Flip them and round off the process with the shell side facing downwards. At this stage you can easily flavor the meat with the marinade, glaze, or just a dollop of butter....
Lobster: Purchase live lobsters and prepare them in the sink while grill preheats to medium-high heat. Pierce top of head with chef's knife and run it down the center of the body so the whole lobster is cut in half, entrails removed. Baste with butter and grill, shell-side down, unt...