The meaning of GRILL is to broil on a grill; also : to fry or toast on a griddle. How to use grill in a sentence.
grilling Main English Definition (名) As a noun Cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill). Matching Results 格栅 gézhà grilling New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Credits...
(Trinity). You chili heads will find their hottest sauce Trinity as well as the Scorpion sauce to have a nice kick of heat. These sauces are great for dipping or used in cooking. I love the Scorpion sauce on whole smoked chicken and the Trinity is great on wings. Holy Smoke is a ...
I no longer yearn “to be happy.” If all you want in life is to be happy you are bound to be miserable. Happiness depends on circumstances. Serenity is that deep abiding sense that all will be well even if circumstances are against us. But while happiness is not something we are enti...
Contact grills, by contrast, have two cooking surfaces; one on the top and one on the bottom. This design allows you to cook food on both sides at once. A George Foreman grill is a prime example of this, though its sloped design is not mandatory. If you’re in the market for one ...
Food to be prepared is selected from the food indicated on a display by the operator, where cooking, brewing and/or backing parameters for the selected food are stored in a storage unit. A special function is activated by the operator, where the function permits definition and utilization of ...