"Oh troubled heart, be still and know there can be no selfishness in love. For he who loves, the Master withholds nothing when he has need of it...and he who loves his child, will sink all sense of loss in the Everlasting gain of lying Safe upon the Bosom of the Shepherd." Benjam...
Loss Type:Husband due to Leukemia Angel Date:9/24/19 Members PostedOctober 8, 2019 Your situation reminds me of the movie The Descendants starring George Clooney. My husband passed away 2 weeks ago today. We were together for almost 17 years. Believe me, we had our fair share of bad t...
I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain and I am going through exactly the same thing. I lost my husband to cancer just over a month ago. I am permanently stunned. I hold the shirt he was last wearing to my chest and cry pretty much all day like a child. I am 51 and...
Byline: JONNY GREATREX THE grieving widow of a young dad who was killed by a disqualified...Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)
"Prayers for her family at this time of loss,"a note on the group's Twitter/X platform reads. "Quite a memorable Easter this year ... the good news is the promise of eternity with Jesus who conquered death that we may live."
"Prayers for her family at this time of loss,"a note on the group's Twitter/X platform reads. "Quite a memorable Easter this year ... the good news is the promise of eternity with Jesus who conquered death that we may live."
"Prayers for her family at this time of loss,"a note on the group's Twitter/X platform reads. "Quite a memorable Easter this year ... the good news is the promise of eternity with Jesus who conquered death that we may live."
Loss Type:Husband Angel Date:06/19/2005 Moderators PostedFebruary 2, 2017 On 2/2/2017 at 9:53 AM, fzald said: people say it can take months or even years to grieve. This alone scares me, because I am feeling like I will be in this horrible turmoil for the next year or more, an...
Loss Type:husband/soulmate Angel Date:3/24/2023 Members Popular Post Posted July 30, 2023 Dear Aarya, My lover/husband/best friend/soulmate of 27 years drowned in a rip tide four months ago, so I can only write to you that I understand and I am so sorry you have lost this per...