In writing this, and also being a Hypnotherapist, I just re-realized why the state of mind experienced at ‘The Twilight Bridge’is so important in accessing spiritual information. Normally, during daily life, the brain is alert and focused on the tasks at hand. Maybe it is involved in gr...
While I also am a Hypnotherapist and use the helpful imagination of light penetrating the body and space around a person all the time, I love using the actual brightness and warmth of the sun to achieve this bliss, if even momentarily. I escape the human struggle for a while. It’s gre...
Mental HealthServices Near Me Whetheryouneed anxiety therapy, grief counseling, or relationship counseling, we offer a range of mental health services to meetyourneeds in Richmond VA, and surrounding areas. Our services include: Richmond| Chesterfield | Midlothian | Hopewell |Petersburg| Colonial Heigh...
While I also am a Hypnotherapist and use the helpful imagination of light penetrating the body and space around a person all the time, I love using the actual brightness and warmth of the sun to achieve this bliss, if even momentarily. I escape the human struggle for a while. It’s gre...
Her HSP reference reminded me that in college, Tara and I had bonded over the “Highly Sensitive Person,” a book by a therapist named Elaine Aron who knew my mother. I wrote Aron for advice about what Tara could do to achieve alone time. Elaine advised Tara to use silence to achieve ...
Maybe being a therapist is easier now because other events have paled in comparison to my husband’s dying and death. Maybe it is because I am ready for a shift into another level of my work, and maybe it is because I am able to witness my own process with greater detachment and ...
near me. When they see me on the street, they run the other way. I am ignored as if I were dead, as if I were a broken pot. I have heard the many rumors about me…But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in your hands. Let your favor ...
Perhaps you should reach out to a therapist trained in grief and bereavement, which you can find here: We’re here for you as you navigate this! All the best. 2 Kaitlyn December 20, 2020 at 10:11 pm Reply My...
Loss and grief are parts of our existence, yet they can affect us in ways that can be unpredictable and unsettling. Being able to think with a therapist about how one is experiencing loss and grief can help to give understanding and a sense that what can at times can feel overwhelming can...
A therapist would only ask me what I think I should do when I am honestly going in circles. Has anyone else experienced these types of emotions after losing someone, reverting to your childhood and taking you back to dark places that have been laying dormant for so long? 1 Cindy ...