客户端是windows 7,64位版 + minecraft 1.4.7正式版 + JAVA1.7测的. grief prevention. 网站在这里 http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/grief-prevention/ 他号称是residence领地插件和LWC锁插件的替代品.虽然没直说.但是文句当中表现出来的就是那样.而且号称好处是好配置.用起来方便.本人不喜欢permission node...
When playing on a Minecraft server, there is always the chance of encountering troublesome players who enjoy griefing bases or looting. Griefing is often a cause for players departing from a server, due to their hard work being lost. IntroducingGrief Prevention, a plugin focused on preventing any...