1. Engage in self-care. The holidays take a lot out of you. You don't want to get sick from emotional and physical exhaustion. Make sure you are eating nutritious meals and taking time for yourself. If necessary, work with a therapist and discuss your grief. As you know, after...
Holidays only magnify the loss. Read More.A loved Ones Belongings If someone close to you has just passed away, you may feel like you’re in a fog. That’s OK. Read More.Events These informative workshops are open to anyone dealing with death or grief. Therapists, counselors, & nurses...
Navigating the holidays can be exhausting for anyone, but for grievers, the effort can feel downright Herculean. That’s because, much like the hustle and bustle of the season, grieving is exhausting. Anyone learning to adapt to life after an important loss knows the heavines...
has been presented beautifully by Kenneth Doka and Terry Martin in their bookMen Don’t Cry, Women Do: Transcending Gender Stereotypes in Grief(1999). They introduce the concepts of “intuitive griever” and “instrumental griever,” and the “blended” style of grieving: ...
2. Grief Bites: Hope For The Holidays:https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/1964-grief-bites-hope-for-the-holidays 3. Experiencing Holidays With Jesus: Christmas:http://bible.com/r/3V5 4. Grief Bites: Finding Treasure In Hardships:https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/912-grief-bites-finding...
Grief And Longing During The Holidays As I face my first holiday season without my husband, this poem captures the immense void left in his absence. It reflects my struggle to find any joy in what used to be a festive time, now overshadowed by the silence of loss. This is an expression...
holidays again, I would probably just have cried. Even though I probably would have preferred yelling at you. But TIME and the GRACE of GOD have done there healing work. I am looking forward to the Holidays again this year. God does answer prayer. Even if it seems like He is silent an...
The holidays can be a hard time after major loss. Here’s how to cope — and even celebrate. LEARN MORE WORK WITH ME Grief Coaching UNPACKING YOUR GRIEF AND LOSSES Have you made space and time for your grief? Whether your significant loss(es) are months, years or decades ago, you migh...
Grief can steal the holidays the way Grinch stole Christmas. As we are in the throes of the holidays, theTradition of Christmas Tearsmight be the only holiday tradition many of us have in common. May your heart be helped if you’re facing the holidays with dread because of a searing loss...
It’s common to connect with deceased loved ones through food – whether it’s in saving handwritten recipes, cooking traditional foods at the holidays, or in fond memories of cooking together. What’s Your Grief explores and honor these connections by collecting and sharing your grief recipe st...