Provide programs focusing on healing and nurturing resiliency, healthy coping tools and strategies, while building stronger connections within the community. Helping grieving and traumatized communities come together for healing after a sudden loss or traumatic event. Share healthy tools and strategies and ...
Appendix 1: Handouts. Appendix 2: Resources. Appendix 3: Additional Training.Judith CohenA. MannarinoE. DeblingerCohen, J. A., Mannarino, A. P., & Deblinger, E. (2006). Treating trauma and traumatic grief in children and ado- lescents. New York: Guilford Press....
"There is no program to help men better at home. It's just kind of do it because it's the right thing to do." This calls for a more supportive and inclusive approach to fatherhood, acknowledging the diverse roles and responsibilities ...
Provide programs focusing on healing and nurturing resiliency, healthy coping tools and strategies, while building stronger connections within the community. Helping grieving and traumatized communities come together for healing after a sudden loss or traumatic event. Share healthy tools and strategies and ...