This is a copy training material for printing a model photo or picture with a grid line over it, and creating a paper with only the grid line drawn at the place to draw, to capture and draw the shape as accurately as possible.
Publisher NameSpringer, Berlin, Heidelberg Print ISBN978-3-642-00954-9 Online ISBN978-3-642-00955-6 eBook PackagesComputer ScienceComputer Science (R0) Share this paper Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature...
It is also possible to include this drawing of the single line diagram in the PVsyst report. Clicking and dragging on the drawing will move the paper, while the mouse wheel allows to zoom in or out. Single line diagram view tab Paper properties In this group of controls you can choose ...
There is also a client layer which provides programming interfaces to use services from the other three layers. The focus for this paper is the establishment and use of secure ROIA links support- ing real-time communications; between ROIA clients used by customers and ROIA processes (services)...
Line shifts and asymmetries arise due to the presence of convective velocities and the granulation pattern that are ubiquitously found in observed stellar spectra of cool stars.Magic, Zazralt; Collet, Remo; Asplund, Martindoi:10.1051/eas/1363041Zazralt Magic...
Then, a ray model was proposed, and the active points were used as the starting point of the ray model to obtain line segments in the grid map. In the experimental phase, this paper conducted comparative tests on the proposed RM-Line and the state-of-the-art CannyLine in grid maps of...
4 July 2018; Accepted: 16 August 2018; Published: 20 August 2018 Abstract: This paper is devoted to an otablen-line application of the selective harmonic elimination method (SHEM) to three-phase, two-level, grid-connected voltage source converters (VSCs) by particle swarm optimization (PSO)...