一、griddata函数是什么? griddata可以插入二维或三维散点数据 严格上来说,griddata并不能算是插值,但是可以实现插值的功能。griddata有以下三种形式: vq = griddata(x,y,v,xq,yq) vq = griddata(x,y,z,v,xq,yq,zq) vq = griddata(___,method) griddata和interp2的区别是,interp2的插值数据必须是矩形域,...
griddata和griddatan是MATLAB中用于插值的两个函数。 griddata函数用于将散点数据插值到规则网格上。给定一组散点数据,griddata函数根据这些数据在规则网格上进行插值。你可以指定网格的大小和形状,并选择所需的插值方法(如线性插值、最近邻插值或多项式插值)。该函数返回插值计算所得的网格数据。 griddatan函数用于将散点...
Syntax vq = griddatan(x,v,xq) vq = griddatan(x,v,xq,method) vq = griddatan(x,v,xq,method,options)Description vq = griddatan(x,v,xq) fits a hypersurface of the form v = f(x) to the sample points x with values v. The griddatan function interpolates the surface at the query ...
z1 = griddata(uv(:,1),uv(:,2),uv(:,2),xy(:,1),xy(:,2)) z2 = griddatan(uv,uv(:,2),xy) The error message indicates that some internal check of the convex hull in griddatan fails. But why is that? Why griddata run without a similar convex check? Thanks. ...
网格数据的插值函数用griddatan,散点数据的插值函数interpn。() A.正确 B.错误 点击查看答案
更多“网格数据的插值函数用griddatan,散点数据的插值函数interpn。()”相关的问题 第1题 应用二维插值函数interp2时,数据格式一定要采用网格格式,用meshgrid函数可以实现。() 点击查看答案 第2题 网格数据三次样条插值使用的函数为()。 A、Linear B、pchip C、Nearest D、csapi 点击查看答案 第3题 针对...
vq= griddatan(x,v,xq,method)specifies the interpolation method used to computevq. Options are"linear"or"nearest". example vq= griddatan(x,v,xq,method,options)specifies a cell array of character vectors,options, to be used in Qhull viadelaunayn. ...
Syntax vq = griddatan(x,v,xq) vq = griddatan(x,v,xq,method) vq = griddatan(x,v,xq,method,options)Description example vq = griddatan(x,v,xq) fits a hypersurface of the form v = f(x) to the sample points x with values v. The griddatan function interpolates the surface at the...
vq= griddatan(x,v,xq,method)specifies the interpolation method used to computevq. Options are"linear"or"nearest". example vq= griddatan(x,v,xq,method,options)specifies a cell array of character vectors,options, to be used in Qhull viadelaunayn. ...