IMediaPlayerControl MultiAutoCompleteTextView MultiAutoCompleteTextView.CommaTokenizer MultiAutoCompleteTextView.ITokenizer MultiAutoCompleteTextViewITokenizerExtensions NumberPicker NumberPicker.IFormatter NumberPicker.IOnScrollListener NumberPicker.IOnValueChangeListener NumberPicker.ScrollEventArgs NumberPicker.ValueChange...
MediaPlayer MediaToolbox 金属 MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage 网络 NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime Opengl OpenTK PdfKit 照片 PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit 以石英为本的Composer QuickLook QuickLookUI SafariServices SceneKit ScriptingBridge ...
*** FREE FOR A LIMITED INTRODUCTORY PERIOD *** PlayerGrid's interactive Android application lets you keep track of multiple sports team schedules and events. It will notify you instantly, in the manner you choose (text, email or push notification) the moment a coach or manager adds, updates...
Squizward is an android quiz application which consists of 15 categories of multiple choice questions that can get results in the form of total corrects, total incorrects and corrections. kotlinmaterial-designcheckboxrecyclerviewcoroutinesgsonandroid-applicationtablayoutandroid-studiomediaplayermvvm-architecture...
Player must notice that current version of this game is for Android 5.0 and up and the latest update was in 2019-08-23. Get Grid Hospitality full version unblocked from mirrors above or just receive it directly from google store.Tags:Grid Hospitality apk full versionGrid Hospitality update ios...
DKPlayer UI封装比较美观的播放器 Lottie AE动画库 TinyPinyin 中文转拼音工具 DatePickerView 基于RecyclerView的滚轮选择器(Koltin编写) SpEditTool 微博@和#变色效果 DiscreteScrollView 实现无限轮播Banner、ViewPager横竖屏滑动等 Walle 美团瓦力打包(Bat批量打包+说明) === === //===// Banner效果图 //===...
The catch is that the service is only compatible with two devices, both made by Nvidia. Both theNvidia Shield Tabletand originalNvidia Shieldwill get access to the Grid games via an update to the Nvidia Hub Android app, timed to go live in the Google Play store alongside the AndroidLoll...
MediaPlayer MediaToolbox Metal MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage Network NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime OpenGL OpenTK PdfKit Photos PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit QuartzComposer QuickLook QuickLookUI SafariServices SceneKit ScriptingBridge Sear...
開發者ID:irtimmer,項目名稱:itplayer,代碼行數:18,代碼來源 示例8: setupRowAdapter ▲點讚 3▼;//導入依賴的package包/類privatevoidsetupRowAdapter(){VerticalGridPresentervideoGridPresenter =newVerticalGridPresenter(ZOOM_FACT...
Fiction Music. If not, see <>. */packagecom.lithiumli.fiction.fragments;;;importandroid.content.ContentUris;importandroid.content.Context;importandroid.content.CursorLoader;importandroid.content.Loader;importandroid....