col-span-{n} 设置元素跨栏 col-start-{n}andcol-end-{n}设置元素从grid的第n条栏线开始或结束 Grid Column Start / End <pclass="font-mono text-xl">Spanning columns</p><divclass="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4 bg-gray-100 border border-black text-center"><divclass="col-span-3 bg-gray-400...
Tailwind 提供了以下工具类来设置方向: flex-row: 默认值,子项按水平方向从左到右排列。 flex-row-reverse: 子项按水平方向从右到左排列。 flex-col: 子项按垂直方向从上到下排列。 flex-col-reverse: 子项按垂直方向从下到上排列。 实例 <divclass="flex flex-row ..."> <div>01</div> <div>02</...
Tailwind CSS - Grid Template Columns - Tailwind CSS Grid Template Columns is a utility class that specifies the number and size of columns in a grid layout.
<div class="grid grid-flow-col grid-rows-3 gap-4"> <div class="row-span-3 ...">01</div> <div class="col-span-2 ...">02</div> <div class="col-span-2 row-span-2 ...">03</div></div> Starting and ending lines Use row-start-<number> and row-end-<number> utilities ...
col-start-{n} and col-end-{n} 从第n个开始/结束行 Grid Template Rows 设置网格布局中的行 Utilities for specifying the rows in a grid layout. grid-rows-{n} 三行 Grid Row Start/End 设置网格布局中的跨行元素宽度 Utilities for controlling how elements are sized and placed across grid rows....
Tailwind CSS Grid Auto Cols Fr Class<!--The auto-cols-fr class equally fraction the available space between grid columns--><divclass="grid grid-flow-col auto-cols-fr gap-4 p-4"><divclass="bg-green-300 p-4">Item 1</div><divclass="bg-green-500 p-4">Item 2 with more content<...
Cutting-edge design with 5+ built-in themes such as Fluent, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material, Fabric, and more. Utilize theonline Theme Studio toolto customize themes easily. Easy export and printing Export the Data Gridin various file formats, including Excel,PDF, and CSV.Printall the rows...
box1 的 col 变成了 400px 被撑大了. 这就是所谓的扣了已知空间后按比例分配. 所以一般上做 Layout Grid 时, 设定 column 的写法时 repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)), 它的意思是最大是 1fr. 限制了 box 的上限. grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); ...
Use utilities like auto-cols-min and auto-cols-max to control the size of implicitly-created grid columns: <div class="grid auto-cols-max grid-flow-col"> <div>01</div> <div>02</div> <div>03</div></div> Using a custom value Use the auto-cols-[<value>] syntax to set the size...
例如,rem的问题。tailwindcss中的h4代表的是height: 1rem,也就是说h1代表的是0.25rem。...font-size 如果在项目的需求中,如果遇到很多1.3rem这种需求,就需要做大量的配置。 但我觉得也有不少贴近生活的语义化。 1.6K40 使用CSS Grid 构建复杂布局超实用的技巧!