20. Your shadow seemed dimmer as I entered the room, thus I took out the pen and drew an outline along your shadow. Gradually, your shadow curled up into wisps of greyish fog spiraling and drifting upwards in a haze. With eyes focusing on that last thread of smoke passing through the ...
looj /luːʤ/; blue g. glas; dark g. dûlos; phr. before I go g. ken o vy loos; go g. v. treylya loos; mos loos; gone g. gellys loos; grey-bearded a. min rew BM. See 'greyish'. grey a. loos /luːz/ var. looj /luːʤ/; blue g. glas; dark g. ...
But the youth with the greyish fair hair and the blazing eyes did none of these things. Pero el joven del cabello rubio ceniza y los ojos llameantes no hizo ninguna de esas cosas. Literature And she could not fail to recognise the greyish haze drifting along the horizon. Y no pu...