Greyish Color Hex #cfcac7 RBG rgb(207,202,199) HSL hsl(22,8%,80%) HSB hsb(22,4%,81%) CIELab CIELab(81.64,1.2,2.1) CMYK cmyk(0%,2%,4%,19%) RED 81.18% GREEN 79.22% BLUE 78.04% Greyish Beige Hickory Tint Iceland Poppy
Here's a screenshot that shows the issue. (Due to color management, you shouldn't expect the colors to be 1:1 with your screen, but it does clearly show the difference.) The bottom right is with color management disabled, to show how --target-trc can approximate the correct EOTF for ...
Greyish Black Color Hex #555152 RBG rgb(85,81,82) HSL hsl(345,2%,33%) HSB hsb(346,5%,33%) CIELab CIELab(34.85,1.84,-0.01) CMYK NULL RED 33.33% GREEN 31.76% BLUE 32.16% Greyish Blue Hidden Cottage Icelandic Blue Japanese Cypress ...