Anyway, for all you skeptics, the Lone Grey Squirrel would like to share some observations that prove that not only do these alternate universes exist, sometimes they spill over into our world. (Cue Twilight Zone theme music and Rod Serling’s voice: “Ladies and Gentlemen, sometimes the best...
One of the Jewish families of the town left for the United Kingdom. The father would return after the war, to East Germany and the restricted zone, to periodically tend to the grave sites of the family who had remained in the earth long after their descendants had fled or been murdered....
Ast.min = K4 ft Act fs (4) where K4 = zt Act z ; ft is the mean value of the tensile strength of concrete at the critical time when the cracks might occur (a value of 3.0 MPa is recommended in Eurocode 2 for normal use); and Act is the concrete area in the tensile zone at...