CNS Inflammation Group, University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, United KingdomJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdGliaBrown H. C. & Perry V. H. ( 1998 ) Differential adhesion of macrophages to white and grey matter in an in vitro assay . Glia 23 , 361 – 373 . DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1098...
altering the immune response are available for MS, the elucidation of macroglial diversity in grey and white matter and its putative contribution to the observed difference in remyelination efficiency between these regions may open therapeutic avenues aimed at enhancing endogenous remyelination in either...
We present preliminary data using this approach to visualize the boundaries of the cortex from the dura to the white matter. A series of isosurfaces were extracted from a signal-enhanced T1 MRI. The lower MR-intensity isosurfaces featured cortical vessels and dura, in contrast to higher ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) lesions and atrophy, with widespread neuro-axonal loss [1]. MS can affect numerous CNS functions, but typically presents with motor or ...
proliferate and differentiate into remyelinating oligodendrocytes. Remyelination occurs faster and is more extensive in grey matter (GM) lesions than in white matter (WM) lesions. Here, we examined differences in neonatal OPCs from GM (gmOPCs) and WM (wmOPCs), both intrinsically and in response...
In the spinal cord, which is deep to the other, the white matter or the grey matter? How does this compare to the distribution in the brain? Nervous System: The human nervous system consists of two parts. The central nervo...
None of the studies has used multimodality MRI to assess the grey and white matter injury and repair, perihaematomal oedema, or BBB disruption over time in a mouse ICH model. In this study, we used T2wt MRI, T1-Gd MRI, and DTI to investigate corresponding changes in brain structure on ...
[169,170]. Keeping in mind that environmental biodiversity (for example, variety of plants and birds in a local setting) has been linked to psychological well-being [171-174], it may very well be the case that ‘access’ to microbial diversity may emerge as a matter of environmental ...
The cell body of a motor neuron of a spinal nerve is located (found) in the ___-. a. dorsal root ganglion. b. spinal cord white matter. c. spinal cord gray matter. d. brain. e. neck.Motor, or different neurons, carry an impulse out of the CNS ...
progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy (weaver syndrome) in Brown Swiss cattle but occur much earlier in life. The neuropathological investigation of an affected calf showed axonal degeneration in the central nervous system (CNS) and femoral nerve. The pedigrees of the affected calves suggested ...