Queen Christina (Greta Garbo) stands as a silent figurehead at the bow of a ship as the camera moves in for a tight close-up; Garbo with co-star and real-life romantic partnerJohn Gilbert—it was the last of the four films the two would make together; Christina kisses her handmaiden...
“i got the name greta because of greta garbo. he introduced me to all the greats: katharine hepburn, gary cooper, liz taylor, montgomery clift.” (later, her mother, jane min ja lee, née kim, a classically trained pianist, will contradict this story to lee via text, maintaining the ...
We still had Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Marlene Dietrich, and Greta Garbo, who gave us immortal androgyny– there was no one who could shatter the silence, and ceremoniously ring the bells out in the open. There were no ‘obvious’ gay role models. We had to create tha...