log | sort | uniq > unique_results.txt 或者,对于递归搜索的结果: bash grep -r "MsgId" . --include="*.log" | sort | uniq > unique_results.txt 总结 通过上述步骤,你可以使用grep命令查询包含指定模式的行,并结合sort和uniq命令去除重复行。最终,你可以将去重后的结果输出到终端或保存到...
1. But foreach-object can be aliased as % and get-unique can be just "gu" so the final answer is: 但是foreach-object可以别名为%,而get-unique可以只是“ gu”,因此最终答案是: cat test.txt | % {$null = $_ -match '<FancyPants>(?<x>.*)<.FancyPants>';$matches.x} | sort | gu...
shortcut for --colormap="sub{...}" --colorful use default multiple colors --colorindex=flags color index method: Ascend/Descend/Block/Random/Unique/Group --random use random color each time (--colorindex=R) --uniqcolor use different color for unique string (--colorindex=U) --uniqsub=...
Generate an index based on numeric regular expressions, where the capture group determines the indexed part and the options ensure that each line has a distinct numeric index. $ zindex file.gz --regex 'id:([0-9]+)' --numeric --unique Generate an index for the second field in a CSV f...
Solved: I have 2 Find & Replace actions that I wish to achieve with GREP. First, find all sentences beginning with the word "Quest" and replace with - 13596877
Any lines that include “Word1” or “Word2” will be omitted from the printed results.You can also use grep directly on files same as previously as well:grep -v -e "Word1" -e "Word2" example.txtAnother option is to split what to exclude using grep by using a pipe to separate ...
lib-unique-files.sh run-test.sh socks4-proxy.pl t0000-basic.sh t0001-init.sh t0002-gitfile.sh t0003-attributes.sh t0004-unwritable.sh t0005-signals.sh t0006-date.sh t0007-git-var.sh t0008-ignores.sh t0010-racy-git.sh t0012-help.sh t0013-sha1dc.sh t0014-alias.sh t0017-env...
The grep command offers a few unique backslash expressions for advanced word boundary matching. Below is a table with short examples for each expression type. For example, use\bboundaries to locate a word that is not a part of another word: ...
... .NET flavor. It also has an *ix likegrepand unique capability. More complex cases could be ... regular expressions (.NET flavor). The editor part hasgrep, unique, sort and grouping capabilities. Files are renamed in two steps, first a preview is loaded in a table (manual changes...
# Get all unique filenames matching 'password' # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69714869/10830091 git rev-list --all | ( while read revision; do git grep -F --files-with-matches 'password' $revision | cat | sed "s/[^:]*://" done ) | xargs basename | sort | uniq ...