--line-buffered flush output on every line -H, --with-filename print the file name for each match -h, --no-filename suppress the file name prefix on output --label=LABEL use LABEL as the standard input file name prefix -o, --only-matching show only the part of a line matching PA...
-v, --invert-match Invert matching. Show lines that do not match the given patterns. -w, --word-regexp Only show matches surrounded by word boundaries. This is roughly equivalent to putting \b before and after all of the search patterns. -x, --line-regexp Only show matches surrounded ...
-o, --only-matching show only nonempty parts of lines that match -q, --quiet, --silent suppress all normal output --binary-files=TYPE assume that binary files are TYPE;TYPE is'binary','text', or'without-match'-a, --text equivalent to --binary-files=text -I equivalent to --binary-...
-D,--devices=ACTION how to handle devices, FIFOs and sockets;ACTIONis'read'or'skip' -r,--recursive like --directories=recurse-R,--dereference-recursivelikewise, but followallsymlinks--include=FILE_PATTERNsearch only files that match FILE_PATTERN--exclude=FILE_PATTERNskip filesanddirectories matc...
-o,--only-matching:只显示正则表达式匹配的部分。(show only the part of a line matchingPATTERN); -q,--quiet:取消显示,只返回退出状态。0则表示找到了匹配的行; -l,--files-with-matches:打印匹配模板的文件清单; -L,--files-without-match:打印不匹配模板的文件清单; ...
-L --files-without-match #列出文件内容不符合指定的样式的文件名称。-n --line-number #在显示符合样式的那一行之前,标示出该行的列数编号。-q --quiet或--silent #不显示任何信息。 -r --recursive #此参数的效果和指定“-d recurse”参数相同。-s --no-messages #不显示错误信息。-v --revert-matc...
-L --files-without-match #列出文件内容不符合指定的样式的文件名称。 -n --line-number #在显示符合样式的那一行之前,标示出该行的列数编号。 -q --quiet或--silent #不显示任何信息。 -r --recursive #此参数的效果和指定“-d recurse”参数相同。
--only-matching show only the part of a line matching PATTERN-q,--quiet,--silent suppress all normal output--binary-files=TYPEassume that binary files are TYPE;TYPEis'binary','text',or'without-match'-a,--text equivalent to--binary-files=text-Iequivalent to--binary-files=without-match-d...
--only-matching show only the part of a line matching PATTERN -q, --quiet, --silent suppress all normal output --binary-files=TYPE assume that binary files are TYPE; TYPE is 'binary', 'text', or 'without-match' -a, --text equivalent to --binary-files=text ...