find folder_name -type f -exec grep your_text {} \; -type f returns you only files and not folders -exec and {} runs the grep on the files that were found in the search (the exact syntax is "-exec command {}"). Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jun 3, 2013 at 14:...
grep -r texthere .|grep .txt J James Brown 这是一个递归(使用 bash 和 sh 进行了轻微测试)函数,它遍历给定文件夹 ($1) 的所有子文件夹并使用 grep 在给定文件 ($2) 中搜索给定字符串 ($3): $ cat #!/bin/sh cd "$1" loop () { for i in * do if [ -d "$i" ] ...
是一种在Linux系统中处理文件内容的常见操作。下面是一个完善且全面的答案: grep是一种强大的文本搜索工具,可以用于在文件中查找指定的模式。它可以根据正则表达式匹配文本,并将匹配的行打印出来。g...
“搜索”是一个基于行的文本(ASCII)文件,包含要搜索的文本。通过以下方式: grep -onf patterns search 我得到了在这行中匹配的行和模式,但没有得到匹配的行和模式匹配的位置,这就是我所需要的。它不限于使用grep,awk等也很好!你们能帮忙吗? 浏览3提问于2014-02-06得票数 2 回答已采纳...
-a, --text 等同于 --binary-files=text -I 等同于 --binary-files=without-match -d, --directories=ACTION 读取目录的方式; ACTION 可以是`read', `recurse',或`skip' -D, --devices=ACTION 读取设备、先入先出队列、套接字的方式; ACTION 可以是`read'或`skip' ...
grep is a tool for filtering text inLinuxsystems. We can get a specific text or look for a pattern. grep is a tool used daily operation by Linux administrators. We will look at simple usage types in this tutorial. Grep can be used to find a word inside a folder. Grep name came from...
Sometimes, we don’t want to go down in the directory tree and just remain at the current folder depth level: like /etc/. Searching the current directory Say you are in your home directory and want to search all files. Just use the "period" to specify the current directory as the se...
1. Right-click on the folder you want to search and select "Search with GrepWin." 2. In the GrepWin window, enter "Windows" in the "Text to find" field. 3. Under "Look in," select "In files and folders." 4. Set the "File types" field to "*.*" (to include all file types...
I am making a Java Applet to sign PDF from client side and I encounter the following error when launching the applet in Internet Explorer : This is my folder architecture : Here is my HTML code : And ...Full-text search for local/offline web "site" Possible Duplicate: Full-text search...
I am making a Java Applet to sign PDF from client side and I encounter the following error when launching the applet in Internet Explorer : This is my folder architecture : Here is my HTML code : And ... Full-text search for local/offline web "site" ...