仅显示文件名(Show Only File Names) Normally grep will show filenames and the lines that match. We can list only filenames by using-loption. In the following example, we will list the files that contain the termThis. 通常,grep将显示文件名和匹配的行。 我们可以使用-l选项仅列出文件名。 ...
3、选项 -b, --basename match only the base name of path names -c, --count 只输出找到的数量 -d, --database DBPATH 使用DBPATH指定的数据库,而不是默认数据库 /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db -e, --existing only print entries for currently existing files -L, --follow follow trailing symbolic ...
-l:仅显示包含匹配项的文件名。-c:仅显示匹配项的总数。-e pattern:指定匹配模式。-A num:显示...
-I Process a binary file as if it did not contain matching data; this is equivalent to the --binary-files=without-match option. --include=GLOB Search only files whose base name matches GLOB (using wildcard matching as described under --exclude). -r, --recursive Read all files under...
grep –iv abc *sh ABC4.sh: abc3.sh:this line won't match The “ -l ” option is to list only the filenames that contain a successful match (note this matches contents of files, not the filenames). The Word document matches because the actual text is still visible to grep , it...
-b, --byte-offsetPrintthe 0-based(从零开始) byte offsetwithin the input filebeforeeach line of output. If-o(--only-matching) is specified, print the offset of the matching part itself.? ANSWER:看下面的例子,完全搞不懂。pass。 kenm6@ken6-desktop:~/liujin/pratice$cat cfiles.txt ...
-L 或 --files-without-match : 仅输出未匹配的文件名 -n 或 --line-number : 在显示符合样式的那一行之前,标示出该行的列数编号。 -o 或 --only-matching : 打印行内匹配的内容(非空) -q 或 --quiet或--silent : 不做标准输出.如果发现匹配项,立即退出,即使中间出现错误。
-o, --only-mathing 只打印匹配的部分,而非整行 -q, --quit, --silent 如果有匹配的行,立即结束进程,返回 0 状态值,不输出任何信息。 -s, --no-messages 当遇到不存在的文件,或不可读的文件时,不打印错误。 为了脚本的可移植性,建议重定向标准输出和错误输出。
默认情况下也会比较两个目录里相同文件的内容[root@MissHou tmp]# diff dir1 dir2diff dir1/file1 dir2/file10a1> helloOnly in dir1: file3Only in dir2: test1如果只需要比较两个目录里文件的不同,不需要进一步比较文件内容,需要加-q选项[root@MissHou tmp]# diff -q dir1 dir2Files dir1/file1...
3. Find all .mp3 Files Only Thegrepcan be very useful for filtering fromstdout. For example, let’s say that you have an entire folder full of music files in a bunch of different formats. You want to find all of the*.mp3files from the artistJayZ, but you don’t want any of the...