find . -not -ipath '.*svn*' -exec grep -H -E -o -c "foo" {} \; | grep :0\$ - Forrest Tiffany 9 为了完整起见,以下是ripgrep版本: rg --files-without-match "pattern" 您可以与文件类型和搜索路径结合使用,例如: rg --files-without-match -t ruby "frozen_string_literal: true...
but I'm still facing some issues to find all the files in a directory which contains "String1" but not "String2". I tried the following command, but along with the correct result, it also returns the files containing both the strings - grep -Hrn "String1" . | grep -v -Hrn "Str...
[root@localhost ~]#find . -name ".mp3" | grep -i jay | grep -vi "remix" 分析: 1)使用find -name 来列出所有mp3文件,重定向给grep 2) 使用grep -i 来查找包含jay的行 3)使用grep -vi 来查找不包含remix的行 (2)-A -B -C 很多时候,我们并关心匹配行而是关心匹配行的上下文。这时候-A -B...
This option makes the output unambiguous, even in the presence of file names containing unusual characters like newlines. This option can be used with commands like find -print0, perl -0, sort -z, and xargs -0 to process arbitrary file names, even those that contain newline characters. ...
file(1) file(1B) filebench(1) filep(1) filesync(1) filofaxp(1) find(1) find(1g) find2perl(1) findsmb(1) finger(1) fixdlsrps(1) fixfmps(1) fixmacps(1) fixproc(1) fixps(1) fixpsditps(1) fixpspps(1) fixscribeps(1) fixtpps(1) fixwfwps(1) fixwp...
unambiguous(不含糊), evenin the presence of(面对,有某人在场) file names containing unusual characters like newlines. This option can beused with commands likefind -print0, perl -0, sort -z, andxargs -0to processarbitrary(任意,恣意,专断,武断)file names, even those that contain newline ...
--files-without-match print only names of FILEs containing no match-l,--files-with-matches print only names of FILEs containing matches-c,--count print only a count of matching lines per FILE-T,--initial-tab make tabs line up (if needed)-Z,--null print 0 byte after FILE nameContext...
Grep 搜索以 FILE 命名的文件输入 (或者是标准输入,如果没有指定文件名,或者给出的文件名是 - 的话),寻找含有与给定的模式 PATTERN 相匹配的内容的行。默认情况下, grep 将把含有匹配内容的行打印出来。 NAME grep, egrep, fgrep - 打印匹配给定模式的行 ...
1 grep是模糊匹配(这一点在后面会提到和find不一样) 2 grep命令搜索出来的默认标红的是所有匹配到的字符 3“grep 5 phone.txt"表示在phone.txt中搜索5 ... 至于相关的参数在--help中就有详细的说明,这里也列一下吧 grep --help 用法: grep [选项]... PATTERN [FILE]... ...
The grep command, in its most basic form, is a search tool. Unlike find or locate, it is not limited to finding file names; it is most often used to search the contents of a file for a particular string of text. As output, grep displays each full line of the file that your search...