...or Bruce Lee? 还是李小龙名言 I'm sorry. Please tell Mr. Clamp... 对不起请转告克兰普先生 ...that the answer is still no. 我还是不同意 Please... 拜托 ...keep the TV. 请收下电视 Rambo. 蓝波 To survive a war, you gotta become war. 要赢得战争就必须奋战 Television again. 又在看...
(Fig.1), full of sparkling vivacity and nitrogen, cuddled airmen and gave them bubbles in their blood, after which Rheumatic Rheuben attacked the men's joints with his ax to produce the pains known as "flier's bends". Additionally, big, strong Choking Choseph (Fig. 2) hugged airmen ...
Emily Barksdale