A global partner for biotechnology, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and research ✓ All about Greiner Bio-One as a company ✓ Online at www.gbo.com!
A global partner for biotechnology, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and research ✓ All about Greiner Bio-One as a company ✓ Online at www.gbo.com!
Greiner Bio-One是一家拥有2300多名员工和28个子公司的全球性企业。我们在奥地利、德国、匈牙利、美国、巴西和泰国设有生产基地。这家由Greiner家族全资拥有的公司的总部位于上奥地利州的克雷姆斯明斯特。Greiner Bio-One隶属于Greiner集团,为您提供客户导向和创新的、高质量的产品解决方案。 了解更多关于我们的信息 Sign...
A global partner for biotechnology, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and research ✓ All about Greiner Bio-One as a company ✓ Online at www.gbo.com!
A global partner for biotechnology, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and research ✓ All about Greiner Bio-One as a company ✓ Online at www.gbo.com!
Greiner Bio-One supports leukaemia aid with typing campaign in Kremsmünster On 12 February, Greiner Bio-One organised a typing campaign for its employees together with the association 'Giving for Life - Leukaemia Aid Austria'.… Details about our Business Divisions ...
Greiner Bio-One GmbH是全球品种最齐全,技术最专业的实验室一次性耗材的供应商之一。自1963年GreinerBio-One研制
Greiner Bio-One International GmbH 是一家全球性企业,拥有 2300 多名员工和 28 家子公司。在奥地利、德国、匈牙利、美国、巴西和泰国设有生产基地。Greiner的重点是以客户为导向,提供创新、优质的产品解决方案。 Greiner详细产品列表: 更多有关Greiner产品介绍,请联系Greiner代理——上海金畔生物科技有限公司:...
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