and we ended up creating a game where we were driving from point A to point B. To drive in maybe the normal way or maybe the way I normally drove meant that you got a bit too close to the people in front of you, meaning you had to slow down suddenly, and then you’d accelerate...
I have contrived, however, to combine these into what I believe to be a substantially correct representation of the author’s meaning. The Latin is of a monastic–sometimes almost canine–quality, with many words which are not Latin at all. For the rest, though here and there pages are ...
Meaning of Solari is extremely interesting (and ancient). And it is connected to some other critical words associated with human connection and roles. I believe the key word is actually both Greek and Latin based. Consolari is the plural of consolare. Derived from French consoler, from Latin...
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 197) Whether it is Greece or Puerto Rico, the story is the same—the debt is unpayable. Greece is going through a referendum and they are taking a que from the Clash song “Should I Stay or Should I Go.” Meaning, s
By Greg Hunter’s Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct forecasts. High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on
Who’s legacy, as you know, achieved independence of Latin America, your George Washington! Your people call him “El Liberator” because, he freed the people! Some people like you, hated Bolívar, because they thought he was a traitor, and he was going to be a dictator. But no, like...
The tragedy is that this could have been avoided had we listened to the work of ‘conservative’ practical environmentalists like Joel Salatin and Alan Savory – and engineers like Amory Lovins (even Jeremy Rifkin). The left and the standard-issue environmentalists (solid pro-vaxxers) have ...
At this stage of the game, I’m not sure whether to learn Mandarin or Arabic, because English, will eventually become a ‘dead language’ as Latin, is regarded today.
No human anywhere can free us from the curses of sickness, old age, and death, nor can any eliminate insecurity, injustice, crime, hunger, and poverty. (Psalm 89:48) However well-meaning humane, humans may be. It is impossible for them to be the source of the true freedoms we want ...