By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) CV19 bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning of a "Tsunami of 'vaccine' deaths coming in the next two years." The number of people dying and getting permanent disabilities is inc
I think they just terminated your youtube channel. I appreciate your work and will watch your website for updates! Reply Greg Hunter 02/12/2021 • Barb, YouTube has terminated my YouTube account. I had the channel for 11 years and had more than 260,000 subscribers and more than 90...
Now, however, the left has their excuse to silence unapproved speech. I’ve been troubled by the trend towards silencing opposing speech for a long time: first, it was media bias (the best books on it) and political correctness; more recently, it’s been the cancel culture. Now, finally...
and the debris made it almost impossible to walk around. It didn’t help that there were obvious nails and shards of broken glass lying about (combined with the fact that I was wearing sneakers). Still, it was easy to tell the building had most recently been used as a sort ...
I retired recently and bought an RV. I have been travelling around and staying in state parks etc. the other day I was in a state park in Indiana which is about a 2000 acre park. I was the only one there. when I hiked the trails I had an other worldly feeling. well, that night...
Nenner has never been more bullish on gold and silver. He says because of the massive money printing, there will be massive inflation. Nenner says, “This happened to the Dutch economy. It happened to the British Empire. That’s how it goes. At the end they always print money, and they...
Q has posted law etc on. Those conditions have been met. DOJ etc is tracking, arresting, etc Antifa, BLM and MS13. President Trump recently announced Human/Child trafficking is down 96%. An ASTONISHING accomplishment of benefit for the US and World! BS Russian collusion fell apart. BS ...
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, has long said “when all else fails, they take you to war.” To say our world is failing is a profound understatement. Celente proclaims
Martin Armstrong has been predicting that by 2032 China will become the financial capitol of the world. What Russia really has to worry about is being used and drained by the Chinese for their natural resources. It appears Russia has decided to make a pact with the Devil. In time the East...
Runes translation: “The gate has been closed – we are at the stand still – we will have to stay, to fight, defend ourselves and conquer until the cosmic gate is opened again.” Event though written 4000 years ago – it seems ominous and relevant to what we are facing right now. Al...