Jesus Revolution: How God Transformed an Unlikely Generation and How He Can Do It Again Today. By Greg Laurie and Ellen VaughnWard
partly because he was also having trouble collecting the pay he was supposed to have received as a grunt in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. There’s still a lot of debate about what TJ meant by that tree of liberty bullshit, but...
Start Small. The first step is always the most important step. I have found, in my leadership, my most effective sustainable strategies, decisions and outcomes have come from when I didn’t start big but started small. Jesus led this way. He started with three disciples and grew is inner ...
We continue where we left off by focusing on the second half of our proverb and quote Henry Percy from Shakespeare's "Henry V" based in the history of England, discuss Benedict Arnold in the American Revolution and recall Judas Iscariot the Betrayer of Jesus. Also Reference: Proverbs 22:1 ...
should they and my pit-bull lawyers ever settle. Meanwhile, I learn about patience and impatience as I wait for nerves to heal. Slow stuff. Really slow. I’m still limping around from bashing my foot in same accident. Non specific injury. No breaks. All trauma. Jesus, six weeks on cru...
Left Will Push Violent Revolution Against Trump – Larry Klayman Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025 – Ed Dowd Intel Agencies Caught in Massive Voter Fraud – Dr. Jerome Corsi AI Goal to Kill Human Race – Karen Kingston Winter is Coming – Steve Quayle ...
At the point that Jesus shows up in the storm, He and I become the storm. A man can never be what does not exist in his mind Paul from arkansas Reply Colleen 08/05/2022 • Greg, I live in California. Don’t know if the rest of the country is aware of it but Nancy Pelosi...
This is definitely an outdated blue law when it comes to selling things on the Sabbath. Many of these laws have been changed or removed throughout the years. However, this one still stands. Yes, the stinky cheese is illegal on Sunday. Can't have baby Jesus smelling this. I am sure eve...
the living and the dead” (Acts 10:42). Paul declared this truth in his Areopagus apologetic, going on to indicate that God had given “assurance” or proof of the fact that Christ would be mankind’s final Judge. This proof was provided by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the ...
“Everyone…shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and keep the feast of tabernacles…” Zechariah 14 Few understand it. Jesus will return. Jerusalem will be His Capital. He will rule on earth. Get right, hold on and just try, to stay out of the ...