40. You’ve reached [Name]. I currently can’t answer the phone but can receive messages; why not leave one? 41. Thanks for calling. Alas I cannot respond at this given time, but be sure to leave a message to make sure I can give you a ring in the future. ...
Year 2016 is definitely going to be a year of growth for Jolla in many ways. As said, we now need to get the operations running efficiently again to support all the current and upcoming customers of Sailfish OS, and also to answer to the needs of all new business partners. Next year ...
For Row has Y & N: =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$E$2,"Y")>0,"Y","N")Ortomaketheformula dyanamic,,you can use this even:=IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$E$2,A1)>0,"Y","N")Where A1 has Y,oryou mayputother alphaettotest. To check the products: =IF(OR(A1={"Steel","Coo...