” when you have not seen a person for a long time. Ask this question only if you have met someone before. A: How have you been? B: I’ve been busy working a lot. How about you? The best way to ensure that your greetings sound natural and confident is to practice them aloud,...
Starting an email without any sort of greeting line is rarely appropriate in a professional context. While you might sometimes skip the greeting in personal emails to someone you know well, in a work email you should always have some kind of greeting, whether formal (e.g., “Dear Ms. Aoki...
These are simple, polite greetings that acknowledge someone’s presence or take the first step in starting a conversation. In this structure, you have a single greeting word (hi/hey) + a question. For example, How’s it going or what’s up? However, this isn’t the same as asking:...
a呵呵,不相信你说的话 Ha-ha, did not believe you said speech[translate] aReally want to have a person to protect me, love me... For a lifetime, the same don't move... That would be much better 真正地想要有人保护我,爱我... 为终身,同样不移动… 那是好[translate] a如果我有...
Before the start of the game, an artist played the US National Anthem with Pipa, a traditional Chinese plucked string instrument. The names of the Wizards players were all displayed in Chinese characters on the big screen. During a timeout, the Arena’s video screen broa...
Bob Dylan’s MusicCares Tribute Concert Due On DVD – But What About Dylan’s Speech? March 31, 2015 Van Morrison & The ‘Astral Weeks’ Backstory – Producer To Morrision: ‘I think you’re a genius…’ March 29, 2015 Famed Sinatra Producer’s Son On ‘Shadows In The Night’ –...
The international financial crisis and the last major impact or complete - before, in Chinese people of all nationalities: faith or solid will, in Li Ka hai to suffering heart, UTI or a woman, you told me to have a difficult situation or common in environmental economics, overcome the ...