In Sierra Leone, the Mende are one of the two largest ethnic groups along with the Temne. The Mende traditional greeting is done by rubbing other’s chin. The Japanese Traditional Greeting Bowing And in Japan, bowing is probably the feature of Japanese etiquette that is best-known all over ...
Historians who have studied ancient etiquette books note that the modem handshake did not appear until the middle of the 19th century, when it was considered a slightly inappropriate gesture that could only be used between friends. But what if Shakespeare had written about handshaking hundreds of ...
AndinJapan,bowingisprobablythefeatureofJapaneseetiquettethatisbest-knownall overtheworld.BowingisconsideredextremelyimportantinJapan.Basicbowsare performedwiththebackstraightandthehandsatthesides(boysandmen)orclaspedin thelap(girlsandwomen),andwiththeeyesdown.Generally,thelongeranddeeperthe ...
Gu’s victory at the Big Air Shougang venue in western Beijing was China’s third gold medal of the Games. Although she got lots of fame, Gu said she’d continue living her life like any other teenager. “What Am I already an international superstar now No way! I cannot even imagine ...